What is love?
Chi is love
I am love
Love is all around each of us now
Love is feeling the presence of Chi
Love is being the messenger of Chi
Love is expressing the inner Chi self
Love is thinking Beautiful thoughts
Love is seeing Chi as everything
Love is the story I sing everyday
Love is my life, Love is our life
I am what I think
I am what I think I feel
-- yesterday, today, tomorrow --
I empower myself with my thoughts
I am careful with my thoughts
I feel my thoughts deeply
for this I am grateful
and so I let it be
breathing deeply, I close my eyes
easily, gently, rhythmically my awareness
finds the eternal womb of creativity within me
this place in all existence from which all life comes
this moment I am one with Goddess, Mother of all life
her nurturing essence holding all in her warm embrace
relaxing, letting go, knowing she is with me always
opening inner eyes to follow her soft illumination
opening my ears to receive her wise counsel
opening my heart I receive her gentle love
accepting with gratitude all she gives
returning her love to all creation
breathing, I open my eyes
the stream of life flows ever onward
are your goals ahead of you
or are they behind you
think about it for
a moment
I see
Peter Stickney